Previous Updates
(December 24th, 2001)
Thanks for Nam's help, I get the MP3 section up again. Yay! The new host for the mp3 is multimania. I uploaded several songs include Kiss Me Goodbye (Movie Size). Thanks so much, I was thinking close this site, because I know without mp3s, this site will lost its attraction. I will upload more songs later. Right now, all I want to say is: Merry Christmas! and Happy New Year! Have a great holiday guys. =]
(November 1st, 2001)
Finally I have some time for this site. =] All the songs in MP3 Section are now stored in myplay.com , for more information, take a look at the FAQ Section that I just made. *sigh*, this site seems pretty much dead now, I think it's my fault, because of lack of updates. It's hard to maintain a website when you have lots of homework everyday. >_<
(October 7th, 2001)
Sorry for not updating for a month. Well, Geocities now limits the transfer amount (3GB/Month). So the site was down for some times several days ago. Now I fixed it by applying a different account for every section, this sure took me some time to work on it, now I think the problem will be solve. =) Anyways, fixed the song Kiss Me Goodbye (movie size), and uploaded Strike On by move. I'll try to update more often.
(September 8th, 2001)
Damn school sucks! =( Anyways, I got some opening and ending theme songs fixed in MP3 Section. Enjoy! WebAzn.net is die on me again, sorry for the pictures and screen savers down for 3 days, they are fixed now! yay! ;-)
(August 28th, 2001)
Alrighty, I fixed the opening and ending songs in MP3 Section, enjoy! Finally summer is over >_<, I hope I can have some time on updating this site. ;-)
(August 20th, 2001)
Wow! Long time hadn't update this site. Well, I been working lately, and playing CS these day, so don't have much time on updating...^^;; Anyways, I fixed all the drift video in Drift Technique section, and 1 NEW drift video uploaded! (Lancer Evolution 7 RS Drift) Thanks to pixelsphere.net for letting me upload the video in their server. Thank You! =) Also, JP Garage updated with new layout. Check it out!
(P.S.: MP3 Section's bandwidth will be reset on this Thursday.)
(August 7th, 2001)
4 new pictures added in Pictures Gallery. (FC, FD, 180SX, & R32) Also, Taste Of Hunnie section layout changed.
(July 30th, 2001)
Anime Section updated! 17 more screenshots of MR2 vs AE86. Enjoy! ;-)
(July 20th, 2001)
Yeah! 150,000 hits reached! I am so happy, thanks for all you guys' support, thank you! Added a Initial D game section in Download Section. *150,000 hits gift by Gary, Thanks! =) *
(July 14th, 2001)
Index background changed, Links Section updated. Uploaded a Initial D game by Marcus Lam in Download Section.
(July 12th, 2001)
Title pic changed, as well as Main page.
(July 8th, 2001)
New section added! Tastè of Hunniè , This section administrate by Wendy.
(July 7th, 2001)
Okay, New layout woo-hoo! Hope you all like it =) MP3 Section really stress me out, I deleted 50 dead links today. The rest of them are downloadable. If no one request, I will not upload old songs like D Selection 3. My priority is Third Stage and Extra Stage songs. Alright, that's it for now.
(July 3rd, 2001)
One new section added in Misc. Section. Initial D Music CD Covers Scan
(June 28th, 2001)
English discussion board changed! CoolBoard announced close on June 29th, 2001. Take time to get familiar with all those new buttons' function, thanks! New discussion board is powered by ezboard.
(June 25th, 2001)
31 new screenshots from Third Stage The Movie added in Anime Section.
(June 20th, 2001)
3 new songs uploaded in MP3 Section. Kiss Me Goodbye (Movie Size); Kessenmae!; and strike on (Movie Size), and once again, please download only ONE song at a time. Thanks! n_n
(June 18th, 2001)
Yeah! Finally is summer time! Woohoo...^_^ Anyways, Anime Section is finally open, but it's not yet finish, and if you got any nice Initial D screenshots, please Email them to me, Thanks!
(June 13th, 2001)
Another 3 new wallpapers added in Wallpaper Section. My Garage merged with JP Garage.
(June 8th, 2001)
3 new wallpapers added in Wallpaper Section. Screen Savers and Drift Video Clips are fixed!
(June 1st, 2001)
MP3 Section re-opened. Ya, I hadn't give you guys any notice before I close the MP3 Section. I apologize for that, because I was too busy to do so. And please please read the agreements before you go in. Thanks!!! By the way, Initial D Fans Section updated also. 3 people joined currently. =)
(May 28th, 2001)
All wallpapers fixed! 18 new "640 x 480" wallpapers added!
(May 20th, 2001)
MP3 Section big updated! 8 new songs uploaded in Extra Stage Original Sound Tracks and Sound Files Vol.1, Mako no Omoi, Lan Evo Gundan II, Tabidachi, Christmas, Sad, Joy, Suspense, and Wish.
I think that people connection is very important, so I decide to make a Initial D Fans Section. If you would like your information up there, please contact: 86@initiald.i-p.com thanks! (Please include your name, nick name, ICQ number, Email adress, brief description about yourself if possible)
(May 12th, 2001)
MP3 Section updated! Two new songs uploaded in Extra Stage OST, Enjoy! Oh, I almost forgot, Happy Mother's Day!!!
(May 10th, 2001)
One new page added, it's about Lancer Evolution, take a look. ^_^ Page content edited by John.
(May 1st, 2001)
Okay, everything is fixed! Awww...took me so long to repair all those songs...>_< Upload 2 new songs in MP3 Section, Impact BLUE and Past Days. enjoy ! =)
(April 20th, 2001)
New CD added!!! It's Extra Stage Original Sound Tracks. 3 songs uploaded in MP3 Section. NEXT, cheerful, and date. And Main Page changed to Frames. Hope you all like it, any suggestions or opinions? Just write it in Message Board. Thanks! =)
(April 15th, 2001)
Hadn't update for a long time...hehe...anyways, MP3 Section re-open now, it still has many dead links. >_< Report me if you see one, thanks! One new song uploaded, natsu no initial in Sound Files Vol.1 Special Thanks to Don and Els-Chan for the translation of song around the world.
(April 7th, 2001)
A new Chat Room added! I don't like the old one, because people in there is not really talking about Initial D. Take a look. ^_^ And MP3 section is closed again for regular maintenance. ~_~
(March 31st, 2001)
Index layout changed! 5 new songs uploaded in MP3 Section, worry, trick, eye-catch I in Sound Files Vol.1, VS in Second Stage Sound Files, and as request, Nakazato's Theme is now available for download in Vocal Battle Second Stage. And one more thing, I can't keep the MP3 files always "alive", which means the server will cut my files off a certain amount of time, so email me if you see a "dead" link, okay? ^_^ By the way, Happy April Fools' Day ! =Þ
(March 24th, 2001)
4 new songs uploaded in MP3 Section and 4 new sound files. They are Back on the Rocks (Vocal Battle), Ever and Ever, Don't you (Forget about my love), Burning Desire (New Generation Remix); Sound files are panic, pleasure in Sound Files Vol.1, and grim, wavering in Second Stage Sound Files.
(March 20th, 2001)
2 new songs uploaded in MP3 Section, Houkago and Black Out (Vocal Battle). And Main Page layout changed again...=Þ
(March 13th, 2001)
New section created! It's Miscellaneous Section, nothing much up there yet, but soon you will see some changes there. And yes, I add a banner advertistment in MP3 section, please click it! once is enough...=)
(March 12th, 2001)
Main Page layout changed, hope you guys like it! =)
(March 10th, 2001)
5 new songs uploaded! The CD Initial D The Movie Of Super Eurobeat is now completed...Take Me Baby, Crazy Night, Crazy For Love, Speed Lover, and Max Power.
(March 6th, 2001)
MP3 Section updated! 4 new songs uploaded, Gamble Rumble (Movie Size), admiration, rage, and 86 my dear New CD added in MP3 section, it is Initial D The Movie Original Sound Tracks.
(March 1st, 2001)
Drift Technique section updated! Two new drifting video clips uploaded! - Impreza sideways drift, Supra drift. Enjoy the drifting movies... ;-)
(February 24th, 2001)
One new Winamp Skin added in Winamp Skins Section, probably the best Initial D skin...hehehe...=)
(P.S. Sorry guys, right now I am busy for all my homework, I don't have time to update that often, so forgive me, and those MP3s, I don't have time to deal with them right now...)
(February 19th, 2001)
One new CD added in MP3 Section, it's Initial D Second Stage Sound Files , 3 songs already uploaded in that album. And 2 more songs uploaded in Initial D The Movie Of S.E.B. - If You Wanna Stay, and Space Love.
(February 17th, 2001)
Initial D D Selection 2 re-open in MP3 Section now. And 2 new songs uploaded in Initial D The Movie Of S.E.B. - New Love, and Live in Tokyo. Enjoy Third Stage songs !!! hehehe......=)
(February 14th, 2001)
Happy Valentine's Day everybody !!! =) Hope you all have a wonderful time...=P
MP3 Section updated, one new album added - Initial D The Movie Of Super Eurobeat and 3 NEW songs are uploaded in that section, they are Fly Me To The Moon &. Back, Street of Fire, The Race is Over. Enjoy!
(February 12th, 2001)
Yeah! MP3 Section reopen now, almost all the songs are fixed! Only few of them are still dead...so report me if you see a dead link...=)
(February 8th, 2001)
Index layout changed again...^_^ and I joined an Initial D Webring.
(January 26th, 2001)
Three songs uploaded in MP3 Section , they are Gamble Rumble (Yin to Deep Mix), Make My Day, I Love You Like You Are and I uploaded a video clip of how a real AE86 slide (drift) in Drift Techniques, you gotta download it ! ^_- As you might notice, all the pages (almost) are best view with 800 x 600 now, and also compatible with 1024 x 768.
(January 18th, 2001)
One more Winamp Skin added in Winamp Skins section...check it out ! It's the best Initial D Winamp skin I ever seen before. =)
(January 16th, 2001)
Three NEW movies are up in Movie Section ! Those are all in .rm format...it saves lots of time......
(January 10th, 2001)
Two new songs uploaded in MP3 Section, Kimi ga Iru (Full Ver.) and Gamble Rumble. Gamble Rumble is Third Stage Opening Theme Song. and guess what, only 3 days now from the release of Third Stage...=)
(January 7th, 2001)
1 new song uploaded in MP3 Section, Jirenma - by ELT (Every Little Thing), it's the Ending Theme Song for Third Stage, you guys gotta download it...=)
(January 4th, 2001)
1 new CD added in MP3 Section, it's Electrock by move, and two songs are uploaded. They are World of move, and take me higher. By the way, 10 more days to go, then Third Stage will comes out in Japan. (January 13rd, 2001)
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